Shades of the wave ( field recordings )

" Shades of the wave, by shinichiroa
A collection of 4 short stories by fieldrecordings, recorded at the Genkai bay in Kyushu, Japan. All stories haven't been written by letters but when you will listen to it, stories will be written on your mind. Enjoy simple pure shade of sea wave.
shinichiroa recorded those fieldrecordings when he helped the evauation of his family from tsunami and accident in Fukushima plants. They evacuated to Kyushu but there is another nuclear plant called "Genkai" near heaven...his niece said "can't we escape from radiation?" Who needs those high-power electricity in a small island? shinichiroa setup a recorder because he wanted to feel more power from nature waves." ( from field noise recordings )
" 玄界灘で録音された、4つのフィールドレコーディングの短編集。文章による物語は書かれていませんが、これを聴いたあなたの心にストーリーが紡がれることでしょう。作品はシンプルな波音のフィールドレコーディングです。" ( field recordings ネットレーベルより )
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